About Me

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The most laziest person!!!
Finally she has uploaded these photos~
How great!!she did it!!
Well,she doesn't think these photos are good enough...
Photos were under negative...yeeeeee......
she still likes the model,though...
the model who in these photos is Narae^^
Elly likes to talk to Narae because Narae speaks in English very FUNNY~
For instance,she said:cannut(cannot),cuter(cute),nonely(lonely),beachi(beach)....
hahahaha,she is cuter~

I like her because she has never been that kind of person to care this care that...
To put in the nutshell,she is an easy-going and cuter person~
I like her~haha


this photo edited by "tua bui" is it nicer than above the original?haha

Edited by "tua bui"

i love this picture~simple nice^^

nice,i love this so much^^







well,i need to improve^^ i love fm2 :]

me and narae^^

Haha,Narae called me just now because she was tagged on facebook~hahahaha :D
Narae,please call me Elly,not "ahhly"~hahaha
i met Narae last saturday^^ she was waiting me at starbucks~
when i saw her,she had changed her hair style^^ she got her hair perm,NICE~
actually,we had already planned to take sticker pictures,so we were heading to 2nd floor(sg wang) to take sticker pictures^^Cuter~hahaha


we went to Oldtown makan-makan~hahaha

my lovely mini7^^

Makan-makan again~

i learnt from narae

me and lovely Narae~


kokwei said...

who is that Tua Bui?

akira said...

alee thumbs up!!

Kelvin said...

Thank you so much Elly and narae!!
i found your blog XD